Mobile10 - Maximum profit of your mobile traffic

Mikael Laine

Active Member
How to get maximum profit of your mobile traffic?
We've got the answer!

Mobile10 is an affiliate network, combining simplicity and profitability.

Quick start: sign-up to, choose promotional link, put it on your site, open the statistics page and enjoy the results. Our system will carefully select the most profitable offers for you.

Basic conditions:
- Any kind of non-incent mobile traffic
- Only “white” offers
- Net15
- Wire, PayPal, Epese, ePayments, Webmoney payment systems, even bitcoins
- Referral program (7%)
- Prepaid testing period

Don’t hesitate to ask any questions.

ICQ: 674954214

Added after 7 Days 18 Hours:

We're happy to announce that recently we've made some improvements to our site.
Most of them are made according to your proposals, so don't hesitate to give us your feedback.

1. We renewed the site's appearance. It remains minimalistic, but became more accurate.
2. New stats are available now. You can analize your traffic by device or country.
3. We implemented advertiser's panel.

And yep, we've been working on webmaster's profit increase. We proudly say, that most of our webmasters are long-term partners!

Added after 2 Days 2 Hours:

We've got very very good rates for US traffic now.
I honestly recommend you not to miss the profit and send us your US traffic next week.
Have a nice weekend and high rates!
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Where can I find and choose offers?
Perhaps it’s the most common question from a webmaster recently registered in our affiliate program.

Let’s clarify. Viewing and selecting offers in our network is not provided. You have an opportunity to choose one of three promos, but offers do always rotate by one link. Why did we choose this system? Let's look at the pros and cons.

1. You cannot choose a particular offer, create promotional materials for it and customize ads
2. Although it is possible to analyze the effectiveness by countries and devices, you cannot track effectiveness of a particular offer

1. Integration of the links to a site takes minimum time and doesn’t cause problems even for beginners
2. You needn’t to spend time creating promotional materials and advertising campaign setting - every offer already contains promotional materials
3. There is no need to track the performance of a particular offer, our system does it automatically, selecting the best options for your traffic
4. Direct effect - increasing conversion of your traffic. If one of the offers doesn’t convert, another one, more relevant to your audience, will do it for sure
5. Offers are always limited by action time, amount of traffic, efficiency, etc. If offer is not valid, your traffic will be automatically redirected to another acting one. This minimizes the risks of traffic loss
6. You will not pay as much time for testing and tracking offers as we do. We know how to do it efficiently

Often we are asked a reasonable question: how can I be sure that my the audience of my site will be shown relevant information?

First, we work only with “white” offers, in most cases they are official apps from Play Market and Appstore. Second, all offers are precisely tested before going to rotation.

In conclusion we can say that the only way to make sure out network suits you or not is to try working in our system.

Contact our support team, we are always happy to help;)
Don't hesitate to ask any questions here too.
This month we’re going to start a breath-taking event. And on the eve of that we’d like to propose webmasters up to +50% of their revenue in “white” networks. Surely, every case is particular, but in fact we’re ready to pay webmasters for testing more than other “white” networks.
The proposal is time limited, so make no delay and move on!
Happy to announce new features, which are available now in webmasters’ accounts:
1. While creating new promo campaign you can specify traffic category
2. It’s possible now to view conversion stats by countries.
Go to “Statistic”, choose “Browse by country”, refresh stats and click to any date.

Hopefully it’ll allow you to target traffic and analyze results more precisely.

P.S. By the way, both options is a result of feedback from our webmasters. If you have to propose something to improve our network - you’re always welcome to do that.

Added after 6 Days 4 Hours:

Few words about payment terms in our affiliate program.

Minimum payout is $50 for PayPal, Epese, ePayments, Webmoney, Bitcoins and $1000 for Wire.

Payments are made according to the following schedule:
For the first half of a month - during 7 working days, starting from the 1st day of the next month; for the second half of a month - during 7 working days, starting from the 15th day of the next month.

For example, payment for the period 1-15 of May 2015 will be made till June 9; payment for the period 16-31 of May - till 23 June.

So, all payments should be made before in 7 working days. In fact, we usually pay before that date. You can see status of a payment in the section Payments.

Payment cannot be made for the following reasons:
1. Payment is out of payment period
2. Total sum is less than $50
3. No payment details specified in section Payments.

Another exceptional case - ban of an account. If we notice suspicious traffic, we suspend payments, contact webmaster and ask him to explain the nature of the traffic.

In other cases, money is going according to the schedule.
For example, as far as now we made all payment for the 2nd half of April.
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Dear partners!

You can notice some differences in stats for 4th and 5th of June.
This is due to delays in statistics of several offers sent by one of our advertisers.
Final statistics for the specified dates will be available on Monday, June 8.
Please note that this does not affect your actual performance and will not lead to a decrease in the average income.
We hope for your understanding.

Added after 11 Days:

Hello everyone!
Latest news in our affiliate program.

1.Traffic category
From now while creating a promo campaign you must specify traffic category.
Please pay attention: adult traffic must be categorized as “Adult” only!
Category “Common” means that traffic doesn’t belong to any specific category.

Clicking on Total tab (the last line in the list) reveals a summary for the selected period of promo campaigns, OS or countries.

3. Promo
We’d like to invite you to test a new kind of advertising - iframe. It’s available in Promo section of your account in addition to the already existing direct link, popup and interstitial.
Banner is displayed at the top or bottom part of the page (respectively, top iframe and bottom iframe), and remains fixed while scrolling the page.
To be honest, we were pleasantly surprised by the results of iframe test - CTR is 15%!

4. And one more promo
Developers of mobile applications for Android have an opportunity to use SDK. Detailed information can be found in the relevant section of your account.

"Do, ut des", as Romans used to say. This means that we are constantly working to improve our services and meet your needs.

And finally, our list of top CPM countries:
KI 18,90
AU 7,39
BE 5,06
GR 4,57
PW 4,03
ZA 3,63
GH 3,54
IQ 3,48
RU 3,05
MO 3,00
Last edited: SCAM!

I strongly don't recommend to work with Mobile10 (Mobile 10) as I have a negative experience of cooperation with their affiliate Data-Cash, which belongs to the same owner. After two years of continuous partnership with them in total ( + + merged them traffic on $ 150,000; so if they take 20% they made on me $ 37,500 ... and then I came upon such filth:

awesomescreenshot .com/086508s417
awesomescreenshot .com/0d5508sr86

Perhaps they did not like the traffic or whatever happened and instead of stop receiving my traffic or knock to me and report a problem (if it really was) to try to solve it together, they continued receiving it but started to block payments. Because I trusted them, I noticed it only in a half months
So as a result they cheated me for more than $ 3500! And as a guy from support claims that is the decision of the owner of the affiliate programs.

IMHO, this is a kind of inadequacy on their part, as if they had not already done so, I would have continued to work with them, and they could earn within next few years on my traffic $ 37,500 more. And now they lost further earning which I could give them and their reputation... Perhaps the reason is that they have a mess going on in the organization.
If you suddenly do decide to work with them, be extremely careful.

PS Lest you were looking for confirmation that all three affiliate program is one office, comparing their engines, screens bring you prove that all three affiliate programs have single panel for payments:

awesomescreenshot. com/030508ysfb
awesomescreenshot. com/02b508zlbb
awesomescreenshot. com/022508zx82

If this is not enough yet, I can throw in a personal dialogue screens of my communication with their support where support of one affiliate refers to support of the other one and vice versa.
Nope, Mobile10 is not related with the programs you mentioned.

DataCash support has been claiming for more than half a year that you put all your efforts on Mobile10. So as far as I understand DataCash is about to get closed and your owner decided that payments there may be blocked.
So I suppose it is my duty to warn internet community that Mobile10 can get to the same kind of cheating some time.
Some tips of how to use statistic in Mobile10 webmaster account

It’s not a secret, that analyzing statistics is a key for understanding traffic potential and adjusting promo campaigns for better performance.
Mobile10 allows you to browse statistic by campaign, OS or countries. Select category from “Browse by” section and click to refresh button (round arrow) next to period selection section.
In addition you can specify desired device and country in the proper sections as well as date period.
Now you can click on any specified date in the list below the graph to view detailed statistic or click to “Total” sign in the end of the list to view it at once.

Ok, let’s see now what column names mean. Here is a list of terms and their definitions:
Date - everything is clear here
Clicks - number of unique clicks
Transactions - umber of actions made by the visitors. Actions is a common term for installs, subscriptions, apk downloads, sign-ups etc.
Earnings - amount of money (in dollars) earned from transactions
Conversions - conversion rate (CR)
CPM - index indicating how much on the average you earn (in dollars) from 1000 unique clicks

By the way, subscribe to our newsletters and get cool info we share only with our subscribers. You won't regret it;)

Added after 11 Days 5 Hours:


In Mobile10 you can use 5 kinds of promo:
1. Direct link
2. Interstitial
3. Popup
4. Iframe
5. SDK

Direct link is a link that leads visitor directly to landing page or application without redirecting him by any other means. Can be used with a banner

Interstitial is a full screen banner that covers content being viewed by a visitor. To continue viewing the content visitor has to select one of the three options - play, install or skip. Clicking on “play” or “install” redirects visitor to landing page or starts apk installation. Clicking on “skip” unlocks the content.

Popup is a new window with landing page, appearing on top of (over) the browser window.

Iframe is a banner appearing at the top or bottom part of the page (respectively, top iframe and bottom iframe). Remains fixed while scrolling the page.

SDK (software development kit) is a set of software development tools that allows to integrate ads into android application.

The main question is which one to choose?

There is no good answer for that question as each case is unique.
We recommend to test every promo, but for the first time we propose to use popup. It can be adjusted for your needs:
[TABLE="width: 435"]
[TD]Popup opens per day for user. Note, that popup opens only once per page.[/TD]
[TD]integer, above zero[/TD]
[TD]Interval in seconds between popup opens[/TD]
[TD]integer, above zero[/TD]
[TD]If 1, then process only mobile clicks, desktop users will be ignored.
If 0, then process all clicks.[/TD]
[TD]0, 1[/TD]
[TD]If not empty then open popup only after click to elements with given IDs[/TD]
[TD]String, element IDs concatenated by ','[/TD]

Subscribe to our mailing list
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What's minimum payout?
Minimum payout is only 5$ now.

Added after 3 Days 23 Hours:

Dear partners!

We've got banner ads format available now and ready to buy the traffic! If you have any free adspots - don't waste this opportunity to increase your earinings now!
We're ready to buy banner spots with fixed CPM.

Why should you try this:
- we're ready to bid your current CPM rates
- up to 1 cpm for test (if we see some good performance you'll get much better rate)
- net-0 payments, advanced payouts for bulk traffic
- you can use the banner alongside with other ad formats
- banners are the most loyal format for any search engine
- we're ready to make special banners according to your requirements to reach max efficiency

Contact us to discuss the best conditions for your banner adspots!
Skype: rachel.mobile10
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Where can I see my referral earnings?

Where can I see my referral earnings? I know that one of my pals today used my referral link to signup.
Referral stats are shown in Statistics section of your account. Take a note, you'll not see it until you referrals become active (start to send us traffic).
If there is still something unclear, contact our support.

We invite you to participate in testing a new offer. The first tests we made recently have shown excellent results, so it's time to skim the cream!
Countries: France, Germany, Spain, UK, Poland, Holland, Switzerland.
Payments for that offer are without holds. We are also ready to discuss any options.

Contact our tech support:
Skype: rachel.mobile10
ICQ: 668696469

Added after 1:


We invite you to participate in testing a new offer. The first tests we made recently have shown excellent results, so it's time to skim the cream!
Countries: France, Germany, Spain, UK, Poland, Holland, Switzerland.
Payments for that offer are without holds. We are also ready to discuss any options.

Contact our tech support:
Skype: rachel.mobile10
ICQ: 668696469


We invite you to participate in testing a new offer. The first tests we made recently have shown excellent results, so it's time to skim the cream!
Countries: France, Germany, Spain, UK, Poland, Holland, Switzerland.
Payments for that offer are without holds. We are also ready to discuss any options.

Contact our tech support:
Skype: rachel.mobile10
ICQ: 668696469

Added after 1:


We invite you to participate in testing a new offer. The first tests we made recently have shown excellent results, so it's time to skim the cream!
Countries: France, Germany, Spain, UK, Poland, Holland, Switzerland.
Payments for that offer are without holds. We are also ready to discuss any options.

Contact our tech support:
Skype: rachel.mobile10
ICQ: 668696469

Added after 1:

We open a new section here to share with you mini-case studies of how publishers in Mobile10 work.
All the cases are real and based on information obtained from a survey of our webmasters (of course, with their consent to the publication).
Our task isn't to get a positive review of the network (although if publisher is really pleased and telling about it - we'll not prevent), but to share useful information - we believe that it is important.

Webmaster: Sat *****

Experience in Mobile10: 4 months

Traffic Sources: doorways and seo

Plans for the near future: Regarding the doorways - to increase the number of doorways of different themes. As for SEO, improve the quality of targeting (to explore the interests of the Internet audience to further optimize serch results for the target audience).

Tip: do not jump between a lot of affiliate programs. If you have confidence in your own traffic, it will start to generate income anyway. At the beginning I worked with 3 affiliate programs, but in the end I settled on one and began to optimize the traffic (clean it out of bots, etc.) in only one (Mobile10). And even the most bizarre (unusual geo - Greece) began to bring money. Guys in support team are always prompt and ready to help with the adjustment and statistics. In practice, I see that the conversion rates of the same traffic are starting to improve. Apparently, managers are actually working to improve convertion of your traffic.

Mobile10 stats screenshot:
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Dear friends!
Once again we've lovingly prepared for you a selection of the fresh offers.

Whatsapp Wallpapers
Devices: iphone
CPA: 8$

Devices: Android phone, android tablet
CPA: 1,4$

Exclusive is also available!

UP Browser (APK)
Devices: Android phone
CPA: 0,8$

XXX Fucktor
Devices: Android phone, iphone, Windows Phone, Windows Mobile, Symbian
CPA: 7$

Want to convert your desktop? No problems.

Windows - Media Downloader
Devices: Windows desktop
CPA: 1$

As usual, our support is eager to answer your questions as well as to adjust the campaigns.
Some more campaigns.
Pay special attention to Malaysia.

Hidden Cam (adult pin submit)
Devices: android phone, android tablet
CPA: $1,4

SuperGiochi (pin submit)
Devices: all mobile devices
CPA: $3,8

World of Tanks Blitz
Devices: iPad
CPA: $1,4-2,8

Smart Play (pin submit)
Devices: iPad
CPA: $0,28

Some more campaigns.
Pay special attention to Malaysia.

Hidden Cam (adult pin submit)
Devices: android phone, android tablet
CPA: $1,4

SuperGiochi (pin submit)
Devices: all mobile devices
CPA: $3,8

World of Tanks Blitz
Devices: iPad
CPA: $1,4-2,8

Smart Play (pin submit)
Devices: iPad
CPA: $0,28

This selection of mobile campaigns includes mostly APK offers.
Sure, they are going the best now.

Dev: iOS
Geo: RU (MSK + SPB)
CPM: $12
CPA: $2.5

Dev: android OS
Geo: US
CPM: $10
CPA: $0.25

9apps APK
Dev: android phone, android tablet
Geo: RU
CPM: $8.6
CPA: $0.18

UC Browser APK
Dev: android OS
Geo: IN
CPM: $3.3
CPA: $0.14

AliExpress Shopping App
Dev: android OS
Geo: FR
CPM: $4
CPA: $0.65

Vidmate APK
Dev: android OS
Geo: PK
CPM: $5
CPA: $0.07
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Hello everyone!

First of all, take a look at the fresh campaigns.
All these campaigns are hot, but the first one is the hottest.

Mobile Strike
Dev: android
Geo: AU, CA, NO, NZ, DK, US, UK, SE, CH, IE, SG, ZA, AT
CPM: $4,6
CPA: $1,4 - $2,52

Mainstream Thailand Mobile
Car: Dtac
Dev: all
Geo: TH
CPM: $13
CPA: $0,88

Dev: desktop
Geo: DE
CPM: $5,5
CPA: $1.68

AliExpress Shopping App
Dev: android
Geo: EE
CPM: $4,8 - $10
CPA: $0.3 - $0,6


This week for webmasters who have never been working with us yet we decided to make a crazy proposal you cannot refuse.
Are you ready? That's it:
Register in our affiliate network until 20th of November, start to send us traffic and we'll double your payouts earned during the first 48 hours!

The only condition: total amount of money earned for the first 48 hours must be more than $20 - rather symbolical sum.
The calculations are simple: you earn $50 - we pay you $100, you earn $100 - we pay you $200. Great deal, isn't it?
No doubt, it's a good opportunity for you to test your traffic on our offers and make a decision of working with us.

Mobile10 registration link

The clock starts ticking!